Monday, October 3, 2011

NoTalent Fest (houston, tx)

Someone suggested that I take the worst footage from No Power Fest 2 in Houston and make it look like the fest was an awful event. I decided against this, and used the best possible footage so you all can know that I didn't have to try to make it look bad.

Here's the video.

Featuring Bobby Whittenberg with his smash hit "ALVARO!", Kim Champion humps the air because she LOVES HER LIFE SO MUCH, a baby gets trashed, and "Bone Crusher" (aka Pixie-punk fronting like he's tough) makes an appearance.

Folk-Punk is dead!

I'm -really, really- sorry. Don't watch it. Seriously. I'm sorry.

A brief post concluding and summarizing the tour will be posted soon. Or maybe not. Who cares.