Travis here. Speaking for myself only, forever.
I really loved the show in Santa Cruz. I'm flattered that me saying "coin tossing muffin shitters" on the internet got read out loud to me by perfect strangers as a transgression of concern to the "safety" of the space. Good work, anarchists (or was he more like a CBS news interviewer complete with cue cards?). Keepin' it safe.
A big thanks to the 1 out of 10 or so actual anarchists/cool people who work with infoshops.
That said, the show outside of the Santa Cruz infoshop was super fun. We appropriated a parking lot type area to set up our table and play songs. The couple watching from atop their car and the strangers passing by to watch and participate were touches that remind me that there's nothing truly appreciable I get from infoshops that I can't get from Temporary Autonomous Zones... and there seems to be plenty I don't appreciate that I can get from the former.
Lately, I've been asking, "What would we do without infoshops?"
Well, apparently, since infoshops spring up in most towns where radicals start collaborating, the answer is "We'd start an infoshop." There are MORE answers to that question, and I'd like to see more of them being regularly explored. It hopefully goes without saying that amazing & important things come from infoshops and official radical spaces, but lately, my mind is becoming more & more critical of the "official space" model, and I'm hopeful that more creative and expressive outlets for radical expression can begin manifesting that don't involve paying rent for walls to hold zines, meetings and free internet.
For me, everywhere I go has always been my "infoshop," for giving out pamphlets, having conversation, sharing food and drinks, meetings, and shows. Again, infoshops and Spaces are good and reliable, but wouldn't it be great if more people could rely on radicals to be everywhere?
Radicalism should be where radicals go. More radicalism, less radical spaces.
From here on out, what separates me from most "anarchists" is OBSTINATE REFUSAL TO PROMISE PARADISE TO THE EXPLOITED.
What a bunch of 602 skanks! Oi! FD